Digital Marketing For

The Marine Industry

How Marine Businesses Can Get More Exposure on Google For Free!

Your clients are online and searching for your services. From marina's to sailmakers to diesel repair mechanics, boat brokers, and more. What's the first action they take? They do a Google search. Will they find you?

Download our 8 steps to increased exposure on Google and learn how to get more exposure to your ideal target customers ... FOR FREE!

More New Prospects

The first thing you need is more qualified prospects. People looking to buy from you right now.

They are on the internet. Doing research. Looking for solutions. Will they find you?

When they do, then what? Do you make it easy for them to get information? Speak with someone? Learn more about your services?

Let us show you how we do this specifically for marine businesses.

There are a number of tools that are either free or very low cost. Things that don't require an advertising budget but will bring customers to your door.

Once that first tier of digital marketing is mastered, then you have the opportunity to scale your lead generation through digital advertising. Platforms like Facebook, Google Display and pay-per-click, and re-targeting campaigns give you the opportunity to be front and center with your clients and prospects where ever they are for as long as it takes.

More Happy Clients

and Repeat Business

In the marine industry, the key to profitability is keeping your current customers coming back for more. Year after year. The key to keeping notoriously fickly boat owners happy is to keep them engaged. That means excellent customer service and top notch customer experience. It also means letting them know what's going on.

In marketing, we call this maintaining Top Of Mind Awareness (TOMA). The internet and digital marketing gives you a unique opportunity to maintain TOMA even for customers spread out around the country or the world.

From newsletters and regular email updates to inexpensive display advertising, you can be in front of your customers where they are and engage with them in the manner most convenient for them.

Getting a new customer is expensive. Keeping happy customers coming back time and time again is relatively inexpensive and will be the key driver to overall profitability.

Let us show you how

We Make it Easy to Connect With Users On Every Platform

We don't expect you to be an expert on all the on-line marketing platforms available. That's our job!

One key to marketing today is what is called Omni-Presence. That means being where your clients are, online and offline. Maintaining top of mind awareness and responding to them in the manner they prefer.

Let us show you how simple and cost effective it is to be omni-present for your clients and prospects.


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